Last week was Kindness Week at Hautlieu school, which was arranged by The Student Wellbeing Committee.
All staff and students were challenged to complete one small random act of kindness per day for the week.
Friday 15th November was a dress down day and a cake sale with all funds raised donated to Springfield Primary School to help fund a ‘Buddy Bench’ to spread kindness across the schools.
Hautlieu have also introduced the Hautlieu award nominated for acts of Kindness, Respect, Fairness and Care in line with the school’s core values. This award will be presented on a termly basis. This terms winner is Ben Collier (pictured above with Head of Year 13 Mr Hutchings) in year 13, for his commitment in raising funds for several charities and for shaving his hair for the Little Princess Trust. The runners up were as follows:
Charlotte Wallace Sims Year 10 for organising charity events outside of school for local charity.
Isla England Year 12 for crocheting remembrance poppies to raise funds.
Joel Le Motte and Tama Coxshall Year 13 for supporting their friend Ben by also saving and donating their hair to charity.
Amy Larkins, Year 13 for assisting a young primary aged student who has missed her school bus and become visibly upset and worried.
Phoebe Le Breton Year 13 forgiving up her time to support her peers with their schoolwork.
Curran Dhadda Year 13 for giving up his time voluntarily to support.
Well done to our winners and everyone who took part!