- Meet the Head Team!!Head Students Diogo Nobrega I want to bring my leadership skills, dedication and positive attitude to the team. Hautlieu is important to me as it has played a significant role in shaping my academic journey providing me with lots of opportunities…
- Y11 PROM ARRIVAL PHOTOSPhotography credits: Tama Coxshall, George Blake
- HAUTLIEU SUMMER CONCERT 2024Hautlieu School is hosting it’s Summer Concert on Tuesday 16th July 2024 at 7.15pm. This promises to be a wonderful event, showcasing the exceptional talent of many of our young musicians. If they would like to see the event, please ask…
- Dr. Mark Chapman TalkFriday 28th June Lunchtime 13:35 in Biology 1 Come along to a talk by MARK CHAPMAN , Associate Professor at Southampton University. The main themes in his laboratory are The lab work involves investigating plant genomes and computational data processing. The…
- SPORTS DAY PHOTO GALLERYA selection of enduring images from a wonderful day full of remarkable sporting performances. You can also listen to Ms Magowan’s Sports Day Podcast here: https://jerseyedu.sharepoint.com/sites/hautlieu/_layouts/15/stream.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Fhautlieu%2FStaff%20Resources%2FSports%20Day%2FSports%20Day%202024%2FSports%20Day%20Podcast%2Fsports%20day%20podcast%2Emp4&referrer=StreamWebApp%2EWeb&referrerScenario=AddressBarCopied%2Eview%2E43ce63f6%2Db311%2D4784%2Da398%2D14cccec4f15e All images by Vitoria Silva (YR12)
The Hautlieu Herald
A news site for the Hautlieu School Community