Hautlieu’s First Ever Santa Dash!
On Friday 6 Dec, Hautlieu hosted it’s first ever Santa Dash in collaboration with Jersey Hospice and organised by MFL teacher Mrs Ramsden. This lunchtime event was supported by a mix of staff and student participants who each donated £12.50 – all of…
Volunteers needed for Festival of Words!!
Dear all Last term I emailed mentors about reading volunteers for the Festival of Words at the end of September. This is now happening over two days (10:30-11:00 on Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th October) and we are still looking for one…
Yes, its that time of year again to dust off your costumes and get involved with the great Hautlieu tradition that is Chique Week. This year, Hautlieu students voted to donate all the proceeds from fundraising events to Cancer Care…