The Hautlieu Herald

A news site for the Hautlieu School Community

Lynne Magowan

Hautlieu Next Steps Careers Fair 2025

On the afternoon of Wednesday 15th of January, all Hautlieu students were invited to come to the hall to meet with a variety of employers from different sectors.  Students had a chance to talk to industry professionals and find out…

Hautlieu student wins award at first-ever Skills Jersey Champions awards ceremony

On the 6th of December, Skills Jersey hosted its inaugural Skills, Recognition, and Awards Evening celebrating the achievements of those championing, collaborating with, and benefiting from its programmes. The awards were introduced by the Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning,…


Project Co-ordinator and former Hautlieu Art teacher Bryony Rive said: “We have had some really positive feedback from members of the public, not just whilst we were working in there, but I’ve had a number of people pop into the…

Hautlieu’s First Ever Santa Dash!

On Friday 6 Dec, Hautlieu hosted it’s first ever Santa Dash in collaboration with Jersey Hospice and organised by MFL teacher Mrs Ramsden. This lunchtime event was supported by a mix of staff and student participants who each donated £12.50 – all of…

Human Rights Day – 10 December 2024

Human rights are for everybody; everyone of us who are human beings. What is a human being? A quick search on the internet provides this definition: “a man, woman, or child of the species Homo Sapiens, distinguished from other animals…

Kindness Week

Last week was Kindness Week at Hautlieu school, which was arranged by The Student Wellbeing Committee. All staff and students were challenged to complete one small random act of kindness per day for the week.  Friday 15th November was a dress…

Hautlieu Students Win Peace Debate

On Friday Nov 8th, members of Hautlieu’s Year 12 “PUBLIC SPEAKING” Enrichment class took part in the Rotary Club’s annual student Peace Debate in The States Chamber.  The debate was heard under the presidency of Mr Robert MacRae Deputy Bailiff of Jersey…

Hautlieu Presents: Another Sizzling Summer Concert!

This year’s annual Summer Concert run by Miss Sinfield’s Music Department in conjunction with students from Mr Harris’ Music Technology Department, was another resounding success. A talented selection of Hautlieu Students performed music encompassing a wide range of musical genres…

(Preventing) The Rise of the Machines

Hautlieu Maths student Charlie Yau explains how Prof. Nira Chamberlain is working to stop artificial intelligence getting too far out of control. There is a link at the bottom of the article “How Will AI Change the World?” On Tuesday…

Hautlieu Highlights Magazine 23/24

A digest of events, trips and reportage from the 23/24 school year.