The Hautlieu Herald

A news site for the Hautlieu School Community

charity schoolevents


Yes, its that time of year again to dust off your costumes and get involved with the great Hautlieu tradition that is Chique Week. This year, Hautlieu students voted to donate all the proceeds from fundraising events to Cancer Care – a very worthy cause indeed.

Deputy Head Teacher Ms Jackson reflected on the first day of this year’s events by saying…

“Ticket sales are going incredibly well with nearly £600 made in the first two days of sales.  Please continue to promote. Also, please continue to encourage your fellow mentees and classmates to dress up according to the themes. 

Movie day went well with many students and teachers dressing up to support the event, creating unforgettable moments like this:

Ms Jackson also went on to say…

“Because Hautlieu was closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, then the two remaining days of Chique week will now be moved to the 18th and 19th December with slightly amended themes, so please keep hold of your weekly passes”

Finally she added..

“Can I also encourage you all to bring money in for staff gunging?”

Among this year’s gunge candidates are Miss Frederick and Mr Bowen-Price.

Deputy Head Boy Ivan Sproats, also revealed some of the things in store for students and staff for the rest of this first part of Chique Week:

On Thursday, our theme is “PYJAMA DAY“, and you can get involved in the “Doughnuts on a string eating competition” at breaks in ICT 6 (Open Science). There is also a CD and Vinyl swap stall taking place lunchtime in the Street.

We will also be running an activity with the chance to win a massive cuddly teddy bear: Give the Bear a name. Students can submit names for the bear and at the end of the week we will decide the winner! This will be running in the Street on Thursday lunch.

The doughnuts and bear are 50p to enter, or present your chique week ticket.

And then on Friday, our theme is “COLOUR DAY“,  Year 10 is should wear Blue, Year 11 Red, Year 12 White, and Year 13 Black. In addition to the “Doughnuts on a string” at break times there is also a  lunch time performance by Ballet d’Jerri in the Street.

Festivities end with the traditional Teacher Gunging ceremony outside the Hall, near the Tiny Forest – accessed either through Music Department doors or doors at the bottom of the Main Staircase.

More pics to follow – we can’t wait!

If you have any images from this year’s Chique Week that you’d like to have published on our site then please contact Ms Magowan on the Hautlieu News desk using the e mail